Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

 P O Box K606
 Haymarket NSW 1240
 27 November 2019

The Secretary
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
[submitted via Planning Portal website]

Central Precinct Western Gateway Rezoning


Action for Public Transport (NSW) is a transport advocacy group active in Sydney since 1974. We promote the interests of beneficiaries of public transport - both of passengers and the wider community. We make this submission on the Central Station Precinct Western Gateway Sub-Precinct plan dated October 2019.

We are particularly concerned that the rezoning is evidently proposed to happen before the precinct plan has been finalised. How can one be certain that enough pedestrian capacity, for example, will be available unless and until the precinct plan is finalised in full detail?

Generally, we are concerned to ensure that walkability is upheld throughout the planning process. Any development should allow for pedestrian movement through the precinct. By "allow for", there should be adequate capacity for all movement and the development should not cause walking distances to be needlessly long. This is a real issue in the area - at present, walking distances around Central generally and particularly around Railway Square are well into the hundreds of metres for many common trips. Many people are deterred by frequent long walks, especially those pushing babies or carrying luggage. No-one wants a long walk in hot or wet weather, especially on crowded paths with enough electric scooters etc. to constitute a real risk of accident. More detailed comments on walkability are in our simultaneous submission on the Central State Significant Precinct plan.

We recommend that the proposed re-zoning should not happen until the precinct plan is finalised and approved.

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