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Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

Kings Cross station upgrading delayed

posted Sunday 1 February 2004
The upgrading of Kings Cross station, including the provion of lifts, has been delayed due to excessive water inflow from underground watercourses and incorrect dimensions and diagrams provided to the contractors. The works were due for completion on 25 December 2003 but the completion date has been extended to 25 March 2004. The western entrance on Victoria Street, currently closed, is due to reopen around 20 February.

This information, supplied to a member of the public by the public transport enquiry line, 131500, carried an interesting postscript-

You are hereby notified that any use, review, disclosure or copying of this information is strictly prohibited.

Some might wonder about the worth of an enquiry line if the information provided by it cannot be "used".

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