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Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

NRMA comments on draft Long-Term Transport Master Plan

posted Saturday 24 November 2012
Readers might detect some cynicism in the quote below, taken from an article by NRMA (NRMA Motoring & Services, the local motorists' service and lobby group) director Geoff Toovey in the Perry edition of the November-December "Open Road" magazine. This edition circulates in Sydney's northern suburbs.

"... While the draft plan promises solutions to get Sydney moving again, it provides little in the way of government action. It has no timelines and no funding commitments. We support having a plan for the future transport needs of our state but it's no good without any funding attached to it.

"Residents in Sydney's north know what's needed, a bus corridor from the northern beaches and increasing road capacity between the Spit and the Harbour Bridge. What they want to see from this government, however, is a commitment to funding these projects, a realistic plan on how they will be funded, and an equally realistic timetable.

"We know that this requires a lot of money and some long-term thinking, but if these plans are to survive longer than plans made by previous governments they need to have budgets and timelines attached."

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