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Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

Electronic devices and road safety

posted Friday 30 March 2012
Transport for NSW recently sought APT's opinion on proposed tougher regulations to be imposed on the drivers of Public Passenger Vehicles (route buses, taxis) who use electronic devices while driving. APT supported the proposal but pointed out that in our experience, drivers of ordinary vehicles using hand-held devices are a much greater threat to the safety of PPV passengers. They far outnumber PPV drivers and are more likely to flout the law because their activities are less visible.

On a parallel theme, readers are urged to make a submission to the Staysafe Committee's current inquiry into Driver and Road User Distraction. Information is on the committee's website http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/staysafe.

The closing date is Friday 27 April 2012.

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